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MSR Proposal – Student

Medical Student Research Program Proposal - Student

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Student Information

Where your research will be conducted

Faculty Research Adviser Information

Project Information

The overall goal of the MSR is to promote, through a mentored research project, the development and application of critical thinking and problem solving skills that are fundamental to the integration of medical science and clinical care. Students gain an understanding of the research process, limitations and variability of data, and the translation of research and critical thinking skills to clinical practice. We expect our students to be able to articulate a relevant research question, decide on appropriate methods to address the question, collect and analyze the data, reach proper conclusions, and write a scientific report summarizing their work, including implications for further inquiry and/or clinical practice.

IRB Approval
Your proposal can be submitted prior to final approval from the Institutional Research Board, but you must have IRB approval before beginning your research. If you are conducting your research somewhere other than the Hershey campus, you must have IRB approval from Hershey and the off-site location.

Unit Approval

If yes, you must have permission from the relevant unit leader (Chair, Division Chief, Head, etc.) before beginning research
International Travel

If yes, you must contact the Global Health Center administrative support person – Tamika Washington, and follow the procedures as defined in the PSU-COM Policy for Medical Student International Travel. All international experience must be approved by Dr. Ben Fredrick, Director of the PSU-COM Global Health Center or his designee, before research can be conducted.
Enter your initials next to the following statements to indicate you have read, understood and agreed with their terms.


If you need assistance filling out this form, please contact the MSR Administrator.