The Office of Graduate Studies at the Penn State College of Medicine empowers graduate and professional students and graduate faculty to engage in scholarly study and advance research in a respectful environment that embraces inclusion and diversity, interdisciplinary collaborations, innovation and quality in order to train the next generation of leaders in biomedical science and public health.
To realize this mission, the office is committed to recruit, support, retain and matriculate scientists of exceptional quality who will be the next generation of leaders in biomedical science, public health or other endeavors that benefit from a rigorous scientific and scholarly background.
The college offers a diverse array of academic programs – doctoral, research and professional master’s and certificate programs – with interdisciplinary research opportunities.
Graduate students enhance their understanding of a selected area of interest through advanced coursework in small group active-learning sessions that emphasize core competencies in critical thinking and problem solving, teamwork and collaboration, communications and professionalism.
The heart of the educational training at the College of Medicine is our world-class scientific community of superb researchers that are committed mentors for student professional and personal development. The faculty and students unite to address fundamental questions in their field by conducting cutting-edge basic and translation research to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge.
To complement academic and research environment, the college offers exceptional resources to help students succeed, including full-time student mental health and counseling, wellness programs and career services. Creating a respectful learning environment and student support are central to the College of Medicine mission as you consider joining the Penn State family.
Contact the Office of Graduate Education
Penn State College of Medicine
500 University Dr.
Mailcode H170
Hershey, PA 17033
Phone: 717-531-8892
Fax: 717-531-0786
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