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Visiting Students
Penn State College of Medicine accepts visiting student applications through VSLO.
When applying through VSLO for Penn State Dermatology, under the Biographic Information section, students should submit a robust bio sketch of their interest in Dermatology, interest in Penn State and any related accomplishments.
The dermatology clerkship is designed to provide the student with an extensive, in-depth exposure to clinical dermatology. Students will be involved in the evaluation and management of patients in the adult, pediatric, and surgical dermatology clinics. Clerkship students also do the initial evaluation of inpatients on the dermatology consultation service and participate in the management of these inpatients.
Participation in daily morning conferences prior to clinic hours provides students with didactic instruction through exposure to the current dermatology literature, review of a variety of dermatology textbooks, faculty and guest lectures, and slide review sessions. The monthly departmental grand rounds conference and patient conference are also attended by clerkship students who are expected to hone their descriptive skills by performing morphologic descriptions of patients at the conferences. This is a four-week block with a maximum of six students at any given time.
Contact Us
Amrit Greene, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology
Co-Program Director, Dermatology Clerkship
Department of Dermatology
Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
UPC II Suite 4300 MC HU14
500 University Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Phone: 717-531-5898
Email: agreene4@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
Kimberly Ken, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology
Co-Program Director, Dermatology Clerkship
Department of Dermatology
Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
UPC II Suite 4300 MC HU14
500 University Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Phone: 717-531-5898
Email: kken@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
Melissa Garner
Program Coordinator, Dermatology Clerkship
Department of Dermatology
PO Box 850 MC HU14
500 University Drive
Hershey, PA 17033-0850
Phone: 717-531-5898
Email: mgarner4@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
DERM 732 – Dermatology Elective
Credits: 5 credits
Co-Program Directors:
Amrit Greene, MD
Kimberly Ken, MD
Contact information: 717-531-5898
Prerequisites: Third-year medicine clerkship
Maximum number of students: Six
When offered: All rotations
Length of course: Four weeks
Date/time/location: UPC II, Room 4300 (Dermatology Conference Room), 8:45 a.m. After journal club, students will meet with the program coordinator for orientation.
Description: This elective is designed to provide the student with an extensive, in-depth exposure to clinical dermatology. This is a four-week block with a maximum of six students at any given time.