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BRIDGE is a mentorship program that targets motivated students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine. The program pairs MD and PA students at Penn State College of Medicine with undergraduate students from nearby colleges such as Penn State Harrisburg, York, Gettysburg, Millersville, Bucknell and Franklin & Marshall.

These medical and PA students help to guide the undergraduates through the medical/PA school application process. The program will also offer the opportunity for members to attend simulation lab sessions and hear guest speakers. BRIDGE’s main goal is to provide support and encouragement to college students as they undergo the challenging process of applying to schools. The goal is to encourage students who are truly passionate about the medical field to pursue their dreams and become the best applicants they can be.



No meeting or other BRIDGE event will ever coincide with a test week. The group meets once a month on Saturdays. These meetings include:

One-on-one mentoring time: Each session will have a focus point (e.g., personal statements, resume building, mock interviews, etc.).

​Speaker or panel: Participants will ​hear from a variety of medical professionals at different stages of training.

Simulation Center sessions: These include basic life support, intubation, suturing, IV, advanced life support, taking vital signs, conducting patient interviews, cadaver lab, etc.