1.1 Explain qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods and policy analysis research and evaluation methods to address health issues at multiple (individual, group, organization, community and population) levels;
1.2 Design a qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, policy analysis or evaluation project to address a public health issue;
1.3 Explain the use and limitations of surveillance systems and national surveys in assessing, monitoring and evaluating policies and programs and to address a population’s health.
2.0 Leadership, Management, and Governance
2.1 Propose strategies for health improvement and elimination of health inequities by organizing stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, community leaders and other partners;
2.2 Communicate public health science to diverse stakeholders, including individuals at all levels of health literacy, for purposes of influencing behavior and policies;
2.3 Integrate knowledge, approaches, methods, values and potential contributions from multiple professions and systems in addressing public health problems;
2.4 Create a strategic plan;
2.5 Facilitate shared decision making through negotiation and consensus-building methods;
2.6 Create organizational change strategies;
2.7 Propose strategies to promote inclusion and equity within public health programs, policies and systems;
2.8 Assess one’s own strengths and weaknesses in leadership capacities including cultural proficiency;
2.9 Propose human, fiscal and other resources to achieve a strategic goal;
2.10 Cultivate new resources and revenue streams to achieve a strategic goal.
3.0 Policy and Programs
3.1 Design a system-level intervention to address a public health issue;
3.2 Integrate knowledge of cultural values and practices in the design of public health policies and programs;
3.3 Integrate scientific information, legal and regulatory approaches, ethical frameworks and varied stakeholder interests in policy development and analysis;
3.4 Propose interprofessional team approaches to improving public health.
4.0 Education and Workforce Development
4.1 Assess an audience’s knowledge and learning needs;
4.2 Deliver training or educational experiences that promote learning in academic, organizational or community settings;
4.3 Use best practice modalities in pedagogical practices.
5.0 DrPH Portfolio
5.1 Develop and organized and comprehensive DrPH portfolio clearly demonstrating core and/or track competencies.
6.0 Track: Community & Behavioral Health
6.1 Develop and critically assess evidence-based public health interventions to influence health outcomes;
6.2 Develop and evaluate health communication campaigns among diverse priority populations;
6.3 Develop and lead the process for establishing mission statements, goals, and objectives;
6.4 Engage critical stakeholders for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs, policies, and
6.5 Plan and conduct community assessments identifying needs, assets, capacity, and priorities;
6.6 Plan for and critically assess the sustainability of proposed and existing public health programs, policies, and/or interventions.
7.0 Track: Epidemiology & Biostatistics
7.1 Articulate significant public health issues using epidemiologic and other data;
7.2 Appraise areas of law and public policy that require improvements in evidence-based tracking and implementation;
7.3 Design and implement both observational and interventional research study designs with a multi-disciplinary team;
7.4 Lead multi-disciplinary teams in the planning and implementation of health surveillance and tracking systems;
7.5 Synthesize results from multiple studies and interpret and communicate major points study results to both lay and expert audiences.
8.0 Track: Health Systems Organization & Policy
8.1 Assess new or emerging models and trends in health care financing and delivery and their implications for access, cost, and quality of care;
8.2 Develop local, state or federal health policy and/or law for improving population health, including processes for formulation, implementation, and evaluation;
8.3 Develop metrics for quality measurement and quality improvement in health systems;
8.4 Interpret key health data and policy information for lay and professional audiences;
8.5 Lead the evaluation of public health programs and policies.