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Typical Coursework Schedule for the Biomedical Sciences PhD

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Typical BMS ‘Core’ Coursework Schedule for PhD Degree: Years 1 and 2

Required credits – BMS Program Curriculum

  • 17 core requirement credits
  • 10 track-required and/or elective credits

Fall Year 1

Core Requirements (number of credits)

  • BMS 502 Cell and Systems Biology (3)
  • BMS 503 Advanced Molecular Genetics (2)
  • BMS 504 Art of Scientific Communication I (1)

Spring Year 1

Core Requirements (number of credits)

  • BMS 505 Art of Scientific Communication II (1)
  • BMS 507 Form and Function of Macromolecular Machines (1)
  • BMS 508 Metabolism in Health and Disease (1)
  • BMS 590 Colloquium (1)
  • BMS 596 Individual Study: Research (2)


  • Required and/or elective courses

End of Year 1

  • Qualifying Examination
  • Decision regarding Program or Option
  • Enter dissertation research lab

Fall Year 2

Core Requirements (number of credits)

  • BMS 591 Ethics (1)
  • BMS 801 Writing Grant Proposals for Biomedical Research (1)


  • Required and/or elective courses

Spring Year 2

Core Requirements (number of credits)

  • BMS 590 Colloquium (1)


  • Required and/or elective courses

Additional core-required credits of BMS 590 are taken after Year 2; 1 credit each Spring semester.

Track-specific options

BGG Curriculum Expand answer

BGG Curriculum (Biochemistry, Genetics and Genomics)

Required Courses

  • BMS 512 Data Analysis for the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist: A Practical Approach (2)
  • BCHEM 590 Colloquium (2)

At least 6 credits of:

  • BCHEM 522 Molecular Genetics: Genes to Genomes (3)
  • BCHEM 581 Enzymology: Structure, Energetics, and Function: A Structural Biology (1)
  • BCHEM 582 Enzymology: Structure, Energetics, and Function: B Practical Enzymology (1)
  • BCHEM 583 Enzymology: Structure, Energetics, and Function: C Mechanisms of Enzyme Reactions (1)
  • GENET 582 Genetics of Model Organisms: Molecular Genetic Analysis of Signaling Pathways (1)
  • GENET 587 Genetic Approaches to Biomedical Problems (3); and/or
  • MCIBS 551 Genomics (3)
BMS Curriculum Expand answer

BMS Curriculum (Biomedical Sciences)

Required Courses

  • Colloquium (2)
  • Statistics – either BMS 512 (2), PHS 520 (3) or similar course)


  • 5-6 credits
CB Curriculum Expand answer

CB Curriculum (Cancer Biology)

Required Courses

  • BMS 550 Fundamentals of Cancer Biology (1)
  • BMS 551 Cancer Genetics (1)
  • BMS 552 Tumor Metabolism (1)
  • BMS 553 Cancer Biology Colloquium (2)
  • BMS 554 Cancer Therapy and Immunology (2)

At least 3 credits of:

  • BCHEM 510 Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention (2)
  • BMS 568 Current Topics in Translational Cancer Research (2)
  • BMS 571 Clinical Rotation (3); and/or
  • PHS 552 Molecular Epidemiology (3)
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CIP Curriculum (Cellular and Integrative Physiology)

Required Courses

  • PSIO 504 Cellular and Integrative Physiology (3)
  • PSIO 505 Cellular and Integrative Physiology II (3)
  • BMS 581 Molecular and Translational Approaches to Human Disease (3)
  • PSIO 501 Scientific Analysis and Presentation (2)
TT Curriculum Expand answer

TT Curriculum (Translational Therapeutics)

Required Courses

  • PHARM 520 Principles of Drug Action (2)
  • PHARM 552 Integrated Systems Pharmacology (1)
  • PHARM 561 Neuropharmacology (2)
  • PHARM 562 Endocrine Pharmacology (2)
  • PHARM 590 Colloquium (1)
  • At least 2 credits from the following courses:
    • PHARM 551 Anti-infective Therapeutics (1)
    • PHARM 553 Gastrointestinal and Immunomodulatory Therapeutics (1)
    • PHARM 554 Anticancer Therapeutics (1)
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VIRIM Curriculum (Virology and Immunology)

Required Courses

  • MICRO 550 Medical Microbiology (2)
  • MICRO 581 Immunology A: Basic Concepts in Innate and Adaptive Immunity (1)
  • MICRO 582 Immunology B: Adaptive Immunity (1)
  • MICRO 550 Medical Microbiology (2)
  • MICRO 581 Immunology A: Basic Concepts in Innate and Adaptive Immunity (1)
  • MICRO 582 Immunology B: Adaptive Immunity (1)
  • BMS 562 Principles of Immunology C: Dysfunction and Manipulation of the Immune System (1); or
    BMS 566 Viral Oncogenesis (1)
  • BMS 564 Concepts in Virology (2); or MICRO 560 Concepts in Immunology (2)
  • BMS 567 Viral Pathogenesis (1)
  • GENET 581 Genetics of Model Organisms: Bacterial and Viral Pathogenesis (1)
  • MICRO 572 Literature Reports (1); or VIRIM 580 Critical Reading in Immunobiology (1)